Geometric Representation Theory (Lecture 18)
Posted by John Baez
Happy New Year’s Day! The winter session of our seminar will start on Tuesday January 8th. To get you warmed up in the meantime, let’s see the last three lectures of the fall’s session, leading up to the long-awaited Fundamental Theorem of Hecke Operators.
In lecture 18 of the Geometric Representation Theory seminar, I began explaining degroupoidification — the process of turning groupoids into vector spaces and spans of groupoids into linear operators. I started with the prerequisites: the zeroth homology of groupoids, and groupoid cardinality.
Lecture 18 (Nov. 29) - John Baez on groupoidification. Turning a group acting on a set into a groupoid, the weak quotient . Turning a map between groups acting on sets into a functor between groupoids. Degroupoidification as a 2-functor from the bicategory
to the bicategory
Turning a groupoid into a vector space, namely the zeroth homology of with coefficients in the field , denoted . This is the free vector space on the set of isomorphism classes of objects of . Cohomology as dual to homology. Example: the homology of the groupoid of finite sets is the polynomial ring , while its cohomology is the ring of formal power series, .
Turning a span of finite groupoids into a linear operator using the concept of ‘groupoid cardinality’. Heuristic introduction to groupoid cardinality. The cardinality of a groupoid is the sum over objects , one from each isomorphism class, of the fractions , where is the automorphism group of .
A puzzle: what’s the cardinality of the groupoid of finite sets?
video in QuickTime format; the URL is - Downloadable video
- Lecture notes by Alex Hoffnung
- Lecture notes by Apoorva Khare
video in QuickTime format; the URL is