deformation of SCFTs
Posted by Urs Schreiber
This environment is very inspiring, I’ll start with a couple of questions right away: :-)
Is there anything known about deformations for SCFTs?
From papers like
Förste, Roggenkamp,
Current-current deformation of conformal field theories, and WZW models
I see that there is some theory about deformations of CFTs based on perturbations of correlation functions.
On the other hand, an apparently unrelatred approach to (infinitesimal) deformations has been studied for a while by I. Giannakis. In his most recent
I. Giannakis,
Strings in nontrivial gravitino and Ramond-Ramond backgrounds
he looks at deformations of the BRST charge of the superstring which leave it nilpotent. He claims that he can incorporate RR backgrounds this way, and indeed, he seems to get the correct (linearized) background equations. This looks kind of mysterious to me, though, because the stress-energy superfield cannot be reobtained from a BRST charge deformed by spin fields, as the author emphasises himself. So what is going on here? Is the BRST charge more fundamental then the superconformal generators?
If Giannakis’ approach is viable, wouldn’t it have relevance for covariant quantization of strings in AdS5 and similar backgrounds? However, I see no citations of that paper.
Posted at December 15, 2003 6:41 PM UTC
Re: deformation of SCFTs
Hi Urs,
Many of the AdS/CFT papers discuss deformations of CFTs, often by turning on fields in the bulk. The N=1* theory (POlchinski and Strassler) is only one such example.
On this paper by Giannakis, I don’t see how it could work. It is known that in the presence of RR fields, the string action no longer breaks up into independent left-moving and right moving sectors. So it would seem that no holomorphic modification of string theory could possibly reproduce the effect of RR fields.