Tuesday at the Streetfest III
Posted by Guest
Where were we. Yes - Bondal on derived categories of toric varieties…
Idea 1: for an algebraic variety the associated captures ‘geometry’.
Idea 2: for a complex analytic the associated captures ‘topology’.
Idea 3: for a symplectic we have whose objects are Lagrangian submanifolds and whose morphisms are Floer cohomology.
Now for mirror symmetry between Calabi-Yau and . This is a pair of categorical equivalences and vice versa.
Bondal focused on the Fano variety case. It was a fun talk. became the Earth with datelines and moving midnights, and we heard about an interesting route from Moscow to Sydney which seemed to involve a lot of sleeping in places such as KL. He then talked about exceptional collections and strong and complete versions of these and the fact that there seems to be a ‘prefered’ exceptional collection for toric varieties.
Conjecture: for a smooth projective variety has a canonical semi-orthogonal decomposition.
Such a decomposition means that is generated by some triangulated subcategories such that Hom for bigger than .
Marni Sheppeard
Posted at July 13, 2005 5:22 AM UTC
Re: Tuesday at the Streetfest III
Hi Marni,
I know what is: the bounded derived catgeory of coherent sheaves on .
But I am not sure what is suppsed to be. The bounded derived category of …?
Then you wrote:
Did Bondal mention what the physical interpretation of this statement would be? This looks like it must have a very clear physical meaning.