Streetfest Workshop II
Posted by Guest
The Streetfest ended yesterday with a talk by Eugenia Cheng on degenerate higher categories and the periodic table of Baez/Dolan. I’d like to say a bit about some of the talks, but not right now. It has been exhausting but wonderful. At lunchtime there was a piano recital by Amnon Neeman’s son in the school of music. Unfortunately, Australia is about to lose this remarkable performer to a school in the US. Amnon hosted a party in the evening for those of us who were still around. There was a very fine selection of cheese and wine, a kangaroo stew and decadent desserts.
Steiner gave an interesting talk in the afternoon about the structure of the orientals of Ross Street. Breen raced through as much as he could before lunch, at a pace and at a level of sophistication that I couldn’t follow.
This morning there is a seminar by Baxter on the chiral Potts model, which I simply must attend before the NC geometry school starts at lunchtime…and there are going to be lectures on the weekend!
Posted at July 22, 2005 12:25 AM UTC
Cheng’s talk
Were you given any references (or warnings of future ones) about the results on low dimensional categories?