
As the eagle-eyed among you may already have noticed, Planet Musings is now powered by Sam Ruby’s Venus. What Sam achieved with Planet was nothing short of amazing. One could take a dog’s breakfast1 of syndication feeds as input and produce unfailingly well-formed XHTML(+MathML) output.
Venus is a rewrite (the second planet …), with better performance and a host of new features, like themes and filters (which can be applied on a per feed basis).
I’ve already started to use some of these new features to clean up Planet Musings. More will follow as the Venus code stabilizes. [As of this writing, there’s a nasty bug, which is leaving Planet Musings in a rather ugly state. Fixed.]
Perhaps one of the coolest things is Sam’s determination to make this a community effort. After I emailed him a few patches and suggestions, he cajoled me into setting up my own branch of Venus, where I could commit whatever changes I wanted, and he could pick them up at his leisure.
Posted by distler at September 8, 2006 3:22 AM
Re: Venus
I have been looking at Venus to run my Urdu Planet on. It looks very promising.