One concept emphasized in Harry Collins’s talk at the Science in the 21st Century Conference was that of “tacit knowledge,” something brought home to me, later in the week, in a conversation with Rob Myers. He and collaborators noticed that, in AdS/CFT backgrounds which admit (at most) supersymmetry in the UV, curvature-squared terms are allowed in the effective bulk supergravity, and that this modifies the lower bound on the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density, , in the boundary theory. They found
where is the coefficient of the Gauss-Bonnet density in the bulk effective action. They also argued thatbecause, otherwise, one finds acausal behaviour in the boundary SCFT.
What I didn’t know was that this bound was related to familiar bounds on the central charges of the SCFT. In a curved background, these are given by
where In a supersymmetric gauge theory, the coefficients, , are one-loop exact, being related by supersymmetric Ward identities to certain R-current anomalies. For an gauge theory, with gauge group, , and hypermultiplets in representation ,and, for an gauge theory, with gauge group, , and chiral multiplets in representation ,
In each case, and are non-negative numbers. Hence we have inequalities
for and
for .
While I stated the results for supersymmetric gauge theories, the bounds (3) and (4) follow from superconformal Ward identities, as shown in Appendix C of Hofman and Maldacena (see also Shapere and Tachikawa). For , these bound are saturated by free field theories (the lower bound, by free abelian vector multiplets, the upper bound by free massless chiral/hyper multiplets). If this continues to hold for , we can write
where the lower limit comes from free scalar field theory and the upper limit from free Maxwell theory.
The connection that I didn’t make was that also depend on the coefficient of the curvature-squared terms in the bulk theory and, for Gauss-Bonnet gravity, one has
so that the lower limit corresponds to , as above.