Puzzle Pieces Falling Into Place
Posted by Urs Schreiber
There should be a 3-group governing Chern-Simons theory for gauge group . Which one is it?
I would like to present evidence that it should be the strict 3-group #
which is a sub-3-group of the non-strict automorphism 3-group #
Moreover, the canonical lax 2-representation #
for should extend canonically to a lax 3-representation
on endomorphisms of #.
Unless I am mixed up - which is your task to find out - this suggests to relate the correspondence
to higher Schreier theory #.
Here is my evidence.
First of all, is indeed a sub-3-group of .
In fact, I think that for any strict 2-group we get a strict 3-group which is a sub-3-group of by restricting all vertical morphisms in this calculation to identities.
- It is thought to be known that the obstruction for a -bundle on to lift to a -2-bundle # on is a Chern-Simons 2-gerbe # classified by (half of) the first Pontryagin class. I think the Deligne 4-cocycle of that Chern-Simons 2-gerbe # is precisely a nonabelian transition cocycle for the 3-group .
- The 3-representation is obtained from the lax by noticing that the relevant constructions in # and # involve the same diagrams. The central is in both cases realized in terms of the modifications of pseudonatural transformations of auto/endomorphisms of a 2-category.
- 3-transport with values in (as well as the 3-vector transport associated under ) associates to 1-, 2- and 3-paths essentially the sort of data that people like Freed # and Stolz & Teichner (see the table on p. 78 of their text ) have identified. Here I say “essentially” because there is an issue with different equivalent incarnations of . This is a point that requires more detailed discussion.
- This seems to indicate a connection between -associated # 3-transport and the 3-transport which seems to underlie # the FRS description # of Chern-Simons/CFT.
- Finally, if we allow ourselves to think of the 2D/3D QFTs here as strings/membranes, then the identification matches exactly the proposed identification # of the gauge 3-group of the corresponding target space theory.
Re: Puzzle Pieces falling into Place
Just a comment on the strict 3-group ; I think it might equivalent (biequivalent) to , but I suppose that’s sort of ok - we are looking for inner automorphisms. I’ll have to think about this one