Mathematics of Planet Earth at Banff
Posted by John Baez
All over the world, 2013 will be a special year for the Mathematics of Planet Earth. At Banff they’re inviting mathematicians to organize workshops on this theme, and the deadline is September 30th. I want to apply.
Since I’m starting to apply category-theoretic ideas to complex networked systems found in mathematical biology, ecology and climate physics, I’ll probably do an application on “network theory”. If you’re interested, let me know.
For more details, including more about what I mean by “network theory”, go here.

So far Dan Ghica, Blake Stacey, Jason Morton and Jacob Biamonte have expressed interest in this idea.
If you are (or know) a mathematical biologist, theoretical ecologist or climate scientist with an interest in network theory, please help! I need people from a wide variety of disciplines to come together and help figure out the big picture.

Re: Mathematics of Planet Earth at Banff
Hi John,
I am neither a mathematical biologist, nor theoretical ecologist nor climate scientist so I don’t quite fit your bill.
I do have an interest in networks …