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October 31, 2011

WZW Models in a Cohesive ∞-Topos

Posted by Urs Schreiber

A few hours back has started the

Workshop on Representation Theoretical and Categorical Structures In Quantum Geometry and Conformal Field Theory .

I have prepared some slides for my talk tomorrow, titled

Maybe you’d enjoy looking at it. I’d be interested in whatever comment you might have.

Where the previous talk focused on the fact that there is physics at all induced in a cohesive (,1)(\infty,1)-topos, this one looks more specifically at aspects of conformal field theory, namely at higher WZW theory, canonically existing in a cohesive \infty-topos.

Since my audience eats WZW models for breakfast, the slides do not explain what these are. They only give a little teaser for why they are of interest. Maybe I find the time to expand the nnLab entry WZW model. But at least a bunch of references is currently listed there already.

Posted at October 31, 2011 5:12 PM UTC

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Excerpt: An article on 7-dimensional Chern-Simons theory of nonabelian String 2-form fields.
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