HoTT Cohesion – Exercise I
Posted by Urs Schreiber
In the discussion of a previous entry finally the Coq-formulation of the axioms of cohesion in homotopy type theory (HoTT) materialized (thanks to prodding by David Corfield and expertise by Mike Shulman). See
With these axioms in hand, I would now enjoy to see the machinery put to work. I’ll try to take this as an occasion to learn HoTT and its coding as we go along. Currently I still know next to nothing, and so I am hoping that by stating in public the exercises that I pose to myself, I might get some hints from the experts and some help from whoever likes to join in.
The following should be a very basic and nevertheless interesting first exercise to warm up.
Exercise I a) Give the Coq-code that describes from a connected type – to be denoted
BG : Type
the homotopy fiber type of
map_from_flat BG : flat BG -> BG
to be denoted
flat_dR BG : Type
(The de Rham coefficient object.)
Exercise I b) Give the Coq-code that describes the canonical term
theta : G -> flat_dR BG
where G
is the identity type
Id_BG pt pt : Type
(This formalizes the notion of the Maurer-Cartan form on .)
Hint: use uuo.v.
Warning: I assume that comprehensive code for the notion of connected objects is more involved than the rest of the exercise, so probably it is helpful to first adopt a more ad hoc treatment.
Posted at November 2, 2011 10:15 PM UTC
Re: HoTT Cohesion – Exercise I
Here is my code :-) (and the
module I’m using is here)Note that I needed to use univalence in order to prove that the point is discrete (and I needed this to build a base point of from a base point of ). Perhaps this is not necessary.
By the way, what do you mean by a connected object? Your link only defines a -connected object. Do you mean -connected? (in my code I just assumed that is (constructively) inhabited).