Five Positions at Edinburgh
Posted by Tom Leinster
The School of Mathematics at Edinburgh is advertising five Chancellor’s Fellowships.
We’re interested in people in pretty much all areas of pure and applied mathematics, statistics and operational research. One position is reserved for an algebraist (“Representation Theory, very broadly conceived”).
The positions are five-year fellowships on a reduced teaching load. The idea is that you do mostly research in the first couple of years, and the teaching load is gradually increased until it gets up to the ordinary level by the end of the five years. At that point, if you pass a review, the position converts into a standard “permanent” job. Of course, you shouldn’t take my word for it: the official conditions are on the web.
I’ve now been in Edinburgh for six months, and I highly recommend it: it’s a beautiful city and a great department.
Posted at March 22, 2013 2:37 PM UTC