Why Aren’t You Making Math(s) Videos?
Posted by Simon Willerton
Over at 3Blue1Brown Grant Sanderson is asking the provocative question “Why aren’t you making math videos?”
Certainly for many of us there are reasons which include things such as lack of time or energy. However, if you have time, energy and desire but lack the encouragement, then perhaps this is for you.
To encourage more people to make videos explaining maths, last month Grant launched a competition: The Summer of Math Exposition. The idea is simply to make a expositional maths video and submit it. The deadline is 22nd August so you’d better get your skates on if you want to do it.
In the video at the link above, Grant gives some good hints and tips on how to get started. The first and foremost of these is the very sensible “Just start!”, certainly that’s what Eugenia and I did with the Catsters – there was no careful planning beforehand. As the story goes, we broke into Tom Bridgeland’s office one evening, ‘borrowed’ his webcam and just started making videos.
Anyway you have two weeks, which doesn’t give too much opportunity for procrastination!
Posted at August 7, 2021 4:43 PM UTC
Re: Why Aren’t You Making Math(s) Videos?
Because I’ve been battling exhaustion, quasi-depression and the UK higher education system’s conflation of customer service with demands to filter according to a perceived external standard?
(Also trying to finish collaborations where I owe my colleagues, and look after my graduate students.)