S-Duality for N=2
You’ve probably noticed a lot of recent activity centered around S-duality for N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories (hint: it goes by the name of “Geometric Langlands”). There are, similarly, finite N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories, for instance with hypermultiplets in the fundamental. One might ask whether some notion of S-duality holds for them as well. For a few, there is such a notion, but, in most cases, the construction of a dual theory has been elusive, and the answer cannot be as simple as in the N=4 case.
For N=4, if you sit at a point on the Coulomb branch (where the gauge group, , is broken to the Cartan torus) and go to weak coupling, , a set of BPS states, the W-bosons of the broken symmetry become massless. Conversely, if you take , a different set of BPS states become massless, the W-bosons of the Langlands-dual gauge group, . And, in fact, these are the only type of degenerations that occur, at a generic point of the Coulomb branch, as you vary the complex gauge coupling.
Fundamental domain for in the upper -plane. It triple-covers the fundamental domain for
Not so for the finite N=2 theories. E.g., for , with fundamentals, the special geometry of the Coulomb branch is governed by a family of genus-2 curves. Fixing a point on the Coulomb branch, these are parametrized by , where is the fundamental domain for the congruence subgroup1, . There are two cusp points in the fundamental domain of , one at and the other on the real axis. The former is a traditional weak coupling singularity, where the curve denerates to a pair of s, each with 3 marked points. But the singularity at is not of that form. Instead, the curve degenerates to a torus with two marked points. This clearly can’t be of the form of some weakly-coupled gauge theory coupled to some hypermultiplets.
Argyres and Seiberg propose a different kind of dual theory, a (weakly-coupled) N=2 gauge theory coupled to an N=2 SCFT. Specifically, in the case at hand, the SCFT (first found by Minahan and Nemeschansky) has an global (non-R) symmetry group. Argyres and Seiberg gauge an subgroup of . In addition to the SCFT, the gauge theory is coupled to a pair of half-hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation.
The gauge coupling goes to zero at the cusp where the original gauge coupling goes to infinity. The commutant of in is . Rotating the two half-hypermultiplets supplies an additional symmetry. Thus, the global symmetry group, is what one expects for 6 quark flavours.
The SCFT contributes to the -function. After all, the dual theory is supposed to be conformally-invariant.
The current algebra of an SCFT, with global symmetry group, , takes the form
where the are the structure constants in the convention where the roots (long roots, in the non-simply-laced case) of have . If we gauge a subgroup , the contribution of the SCFT to the -function of the gauge theory is determined integrating the two-point function, . In the conventions of (1), the -function coefficient is where is the index of the embedding of in ( in our case) and is the index of representation . For , , .
So, with two half-hypers in the fundamental, obtaining vanishing -function requires . That’s a prediction about some correlation functions in the SCFT.
In particular, it implies a prediction for the 2-point function of the flavour symmetry currents. They argue that, by superconformal invariance, this 2-point function is independent of the gauge coupling. Hence, it can be evaluated in the original gauge theory at weak coupling and, lo and behold, the result is in perfect agreement with the predicted value, .
They do some more checks, involving examining the pattern of -breaking in various massive deformations of the proposed duality. They also look at N=2 gauge theory, with 12 half-hypermultiplets in the . This, they propose is dual to , coupled to the SCFT. Gauging the in the maximal embedding, leads to the correct flavour symmetry group, with .
More generally, I expect, one would like to study more general conformally invariant gauge theory, containing both matter hypermultiplets and isolated SCFT’s. Dual pairs of such theories should provide very interesting 4D TQFTs.
1 We take the slightly unconventional embedding . This is an index-3 subgroup of , which acts by fractional linear transformations on . The fundamental domain, , for has one cusp point, an orbifold point of order 2, and an orbifold point of order 3. The fundamental domain of is a 3-fold cover of , with two cusp points and an orbifold point of order 2. Though we don’t need it, is an index-2 subgroup (hence, index-6 in ), and its fundamental domain has three cusp points and no orbifold points.
2 In dimensions, the first term in (1) is In two dimensions, the is replaced by a logarithm.
Re: S-Duality for N=2
How illuminating would it be to study these theories and their S-duals as brane realizations? I imagine it would be helpful to have a geometric description in mind. What does the S-dual N=2 gauge theory coupled to an N=2 SCFT you described look like if you do this?