Instiki 0.19
After much delay, I’m releasing Instiki 0.19.
It’s been 9 months since the previous release, so – naturally – there’s a lot of new stuff to report.
The most visible change comes when you unpack the distribution. External dependencies have always been a pain to deal with. With Instiki, we’ve tried to minimized their number; but sometimes they’re unavoidable. With Instiki 0.19, I’ve started using Bundler to manage external dependencies. What that means is that, when you’ve unpacked the distribution, you need to type
ruby bundle
at the commandline, from the main Instiki directory. This will download and install the Rubygems used by Instiki. The list of Rubygems is in the Gemfile
. And, if your situation is special, you can tweak that list. If, for instance, you’re using MySQL instead of the default sqlite3 database, you need to add a line
gem "mysql"
to the Gemfile
. Users on Dreamhost will find that they need to modify the entry for sqlite3-ruby
. But, in general, you should find that you won’t have to muck with it and that the whole installation experience is more hassle-free than before.
The next most visible change is that itex2MML is now a Rubygem (managed by Bundler), so you don’t need to worry about installing it separately. In fact, with 0.19, every Instiki installation now provides an itex-to-MathML translation service as a web service. Perhaps, you’ll find other uses for it, but the main reason for its existence is that …
Instiki now includes a WYSIWYG drawing package, based on SVG-Edit. You can embed SVG figures directly in your wiki pages, and you can embed MathML content in those SVG figures. This has proven really useful to me, personally, what with the ability to export Instiki pages to LaTeX, and export the figures to PDF.
This release is based on Rails 2.3.9. I expect that the next release will be based on Rails 3.
Update: Nested Extensible Arrows
Thanks to some discussions with Frédéric Wang (of Mozilla MathML fame), I’ve improved itex2MML, so that it can now accommodate nested extensible arrows with optional arguments. Users of Instiki 0.19 can update their version of itextomml
by typing
Posted by distler at September 28, 2010 12:44 PM
ruby bundle update
Extensible Arrows in itex2MML
I’ve just looked to your new code for the extensible arrows and I think there is a problem with the bracket parameter: it can not contain brackets. For example something like $\xrightarrow[\frac{x[0]} 2]{}$ is not allowed. Is it intentional (I haven’t checked what LaTeX does)?
A proposal for an alternative implementation (not tested): add two terminals BRACKETOPEN and BRACKETCLOSE (returned for [ and ]) and two nonterminals leftdelim = LEFTDELIM | BRACKETOPEN and rightdelim = RIGHTDELIM | BRACKETCLOSE to replace the right and left delimiters. Then use BRACKETCLOSE and BRACKETOPEN in place of OPTARGOPEN and OPTARGCLOSE.