Group Cocycles and Simplices
Posted by Urs Schreiber
Christoph Wockel asks me to forward the following question to the -Café:
What is a reference for a generalisation of the following canonical cocycle to higher dimensions?
Let be a connected (locally contractible) topological group and take a section continuous on a neighbourhood of the neutral element, of the endpoint evaluation map from the space of continuous paths starting at the neutral element of . Then the assignment is a -valued group 2-cocycle on , describing the universal cover of as a central extension. Moreover, this cocycle is universal for discrete groups.
A similar construction works in higher dimensions, yielding for each -connected group a valued group -cocycle. Moreover, this cocycle is universal for discrete groups. I’ve been searching for a reference for this, but did not succeed.
Thanks for any hints.
My remark: notice that the construction this question is about is closely related to the construction of Čech cocycles for characteristic classes by Brylinski and McLaughlin which I talked about here.
Re: Group Cocycles and Simplices
You’re saying there’s a god-given -valued -cocycle on a sufficiently nice topological group .
Instead of focusing on the specific cocycle, let’s think about its cohomology class. Then you’re saying that if is sufficiently nice, there’s a god-given element of
This is group cohomology. But this is isomorphic to
where is the 1st Eilenberg–Mac Lane space of .
But cohomology is represented by Eilenberg–Mac Lane spaces, so the above group is isomorphic to
where the square brackets mean ‘the set of homotopy classes of maps’.
I would like to keep chewing away on this until I see that the god-given element you’re talking about is something like an identity map in disguise! But I seem to be stuck right now.
If we take advantage of your assumption that the topological group is -connected, then we can use the Hurewicz theorem, which says that in this case
I’m not sure how this helps, but I thought I should mention it.