Cobordism and Topological Field Theories Week 5
Posted by Alexander Hoffnung
Welcome to week 5 of the cobordism and TFT seminar at UCR! Time has apparently sped up a great deal as week 4 was posted only a few days ago. Since the quarter is coming to an end here at Riverside the lecture notes should start appearing rather quickly now. This week is special since you will be getting nicely polished lecture notes. John Huerta has prepared a detailed story based on his lecture “A Short History of the Interaction Between QFT and Topology”.
You can click here for the previous week’s lecture and keep reading below the fold for the abstract and link to this week’s lecture notes…
Here is the new lecture. Thanks again to John Huerta for preparing such a complete and fun set of lecture notes!
The following paragraph is the abstract for his talk:
Today’s story should involve lots of people, but the stars are Sir Michael Atiyah and Edward Witten. It begins with a paper Witten wrote in 1982, called “Supersymmetry and Morse Theory”. In this paper, Witten shows how to use `supersymmetric quantum mechanics’ to compute the de Rham cohomology of a compact manifold, , via Morse theory. This was perhaps the first instance of using quantum theory to find topological invariants.
Next week, Julie Bergner continues her lectures on cobordisms and TFT’s.
Re: Cobordism and Topological Field Theories Week 5
Yay! More notes!![](