Posted by John Baez
Joshua Meyers is a grad student in my real analysis class. We had an interesting conversation about topology and came up with some conjectures. Maybe someone has already proved them. I just want to write them down somewhere.
First some background. For every topological space there’s a set consisting of all continuous functions from to . And there’s a natural map from into . The ‘cube’ is the product of copies of , one for each continuous function from to . So, it gets the product topology. The natural map sends each point in to the function sending each continuous function to .
Get it? Maybe an equation will help. The natural map
is defined by
This is a standard ‘role reversal’ trick, turning a function into the argument and the argument into the function.
By Tychonoff’s theorem, the cube is a compact Hausdorff space. In my real analysis class I had the kids show that if is compact Hausdorff, the map is an embedding of into the cube . That is, the image of with its subspace topology is homeomorphic to .
So, every compact Hausdorff space is homeomorphic to a subspace of a ‘cube’: a product of copies of [0,1].
That’s the background. Then Joshua Meyers told me that more generally, a Tychonoff space can be defined as a space that’s homeomorphic to a subspace of a cube. A Tychonoff space needs to be Hausdorff (since a cube is), but it doesn’t need to be compact (since you can embed an open interval in a cube). The usual definition of Tychonoff space looks complicated and arbitrary, but it’s equivalent to this one; the definition I gave should be the definition, and the usual definition should be a theorem.
Now for the interesting part. Any space has a ‘Tychonoffication’. That’s not a very pretty word, but it’s extremely easy to guess what it means!
Namely, given any space X, we define the image of
with its subspace topology, to be the Tychonoffication of . It’s obviously a Tychonoff space, and there’s obviously a continuous map from to its Tychonoffication, namely .
This leads to:
Conjecture. Let be the category of Tychonoff spaces and continuous maps. The forgetful functor
has a left adjoint
and this left adjoint is Tychonoffication. The above map from any topological space to its Tychonoffication is the unit of the adjunction. is a reflective subcategory of .
We went further and guessed that this adjunction factors as the composite of two other adjunctions. For this, note that any continuous map between topological space factors as
But we can give im(f) two different topologies. One is the quotient topology coming from the surjection . Another is the subspace topology coming from the inclusion .
These topologies don’t need to be the same: after all, the quotient topology knows nothing about the topology of , while the subspace topology knows nothing about the topology of . Indeed, suppose is the real line with its discrete topology, is with its codiscrete topology, and is the identity function. Then . With the quotient topology it’s with its discrete topology, while with the subspace topology it’s with its codiscrete topology!
There is always a continuous map from with its quotient topology to with its subspace topology. We can apply this when is the natural map
with its subspace topology is the Tychonoffication of . But we can also give its quotient topology. Different points will get mapped to the same point of iff these points are not separated by any continuous function , i.e. we cannot find with .
Now, a completely Hausdorff space is a topological space where any two distinct points and are separated by a continuous function . So, it seems that with its quotient topology is the ‘complete Hausdorffication’ of X.
So, Joshua Meyers and I seem to believe something like this. There are three categories: , and , the category of completely Hausdorff space and continuous maps.
Conjecture. There are functors
with left adjoints
Given any topological space , is with its quotient topology, while is with its subspace topology.
So, we’re breaking up Tychonoffication into two steps. The first step is complete Hausdorffication: it identifies points that can’t be separated by any continuous function . (By the way, these are the same as the points that can’t be separated by any continous function .) The second step may coarsen the topology—I don’t have a really clear mental image of what’s going on here, but a suitable example should clarify it!
I am feeling too lazy to prove these conjectures, since this has nothing to do with my main line of work. So, if anyone wants to prove them—or find a proof in the existing literature—I’d be very happy! Please let me know.
Re: Tychonoffication
There’s another way to factor this adjunction (conjecturally)! We can give the weakest topology that makes continuous; let’s use to denote with this topology. Then is completely regular. You can define this condition by saying that every closed set and point can be separated by a continuous real-valued function (i.e. for each closed and point there is a continuous real-valued such that is constantly ).
So then factors to . We can conjecture that the adjunction then factors as in addition to
giving a commutative square (I would draw it but I don’t feel like trying to make vertical).