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September 1, 2023

Grothendieck–Galois–Brauer Theory (Part 4)

Posted by John Baez

The word ‘separable’ is annoying at first. In Galois theory we learn that ‘separable field extensions’ are the nice ones to work with, though their definition seems dry and technical. There’s also a concept of ‘separable algebra’. This is defined in a different way — and not every separable field extension is a separable algebra! So what’s going on?

Today I’ll remind you of these two concepts and show you why a finite-dimensional extension of a field kk is a separable extension of kk if and only if it’s a separable algebra over kk.

I got my arguments for this from Tom Leinster and Qing Liu. Their arguments are nice because they use differential geometry. More precisely, they use an algebraic approach to those ‘dxd x’ thingies you see in calculus and differential geometry. They’re called Kähler differentials, and I introduced them last time.

Suppose KK is a field with a subfield kk. Remember from Part 2 that xKx \in K is algebraic over kk if there’s a nonzero polynomial PP with coefficients in kk such that P(x)=0P(x) = 0. There is then a unique polynomial PP with coefficients in kk such that

  • P(x)=0P(x) = 0,
  • PP has the lowest possible degree for a nonzero polynomial that vanishes on xx,
  • the leading coefficient of PP is 11.

This is called the minimal polynomial of xx.

If xKx \in K is algebraic over kk, we say it’s separable if the derivative of its minimal polynomial is nonzero. And KK is a separable extension of kk if all its elements are separable.

So much for separable extensions of fields. What about separable algebras over fields? I’ve defined those many times here, but last time I explained the module of Kähler differentials Ω 1(A)\Omega^1(A) of an algebra AA over a field and showed that if AA is finite-dimensional, it’s separable iff Ω 1(A)0\Omega^1(A) \cong 0. So you can use this fact as our definition for now. Today we’ll put this fact to work!

I got this proof from Tom Leinster during our conversations on this stuff:

Lemma 18. Suppose the field KK is a separable extension of the field kk. Then Ω 1(K)0\Omega^1(K) \cong 0.

Proof. It’s enough to show that dx=0d x = 0 for any xKx \in K.

We know xx has a minimal polynomial pp over kk. So P(x)=0P(x) = 0, and therefore d(p(x))=0d(p(x)) = 0. Now the usual rules for differentiating sums, products and constants all hold for Kähler differentials, and these imply that d(P(x))=P(x)dxd(P(x)) = P'(x) d x, where PP' is the derivative of PP computed using the usual rules. So P(x)dx=0P'(x) d x = 0. By separability, PP' is not the zero polynomial. So PP' is a nonzero polynomial of smaller degree than PP, which by minimality implies that P(x)0P'(x) \ne 0. Since P(x)P'(x) is an element of the field KK, it follows that P(x)P'(x) is invertible. And since P(x)dx=0P'(x) d x = 0, we have dx=0d x = 0.    █

Remember that a field KK extending kk is called a finite extension if it’s finite-dimensional as a vector space over KK.

Theorem 19. Suppose the field KK is a finite separable extension of the field kk. Then KK is a separable algebra over kk.

Proof. We just saw that Ω 1(K)0\Omega^1(K) \cong 0, and in Theorem 14 we saw that any finite-dimensional commutative algebra AA over kk with Ω 1(A)0\Omega^1(A) \cong 0 is separable.    █

We really do need the finiteness condition here! You see, every separable algebra over a field is automatically finite-dimensional, but not every separable field extension is finite. I’ll show you a proof of the first fact someday when I classify separable algebras over a field. For the second fact, we’ll see later today that every extension of \mathbb{Q} is separable — but of course they’re not all finite-dimensional.

Does Theorem 19 have a converse? Yes!

Theorem 20. Suppose the field KK is a finite extension of the field kk. If KK is a separable algebra over kk then KK is a separable extension of kk.

One way to prove this is by classifying all separable algebras over a field. But there’s also a proof using just Kähler differentials: the idea is to show that if KK is a finite extension of kk that’s not separable, then Ω 1(K)0\Omega^1(K) \ncong 0. After struggling to prove this myself, I gave up and found a proof in a book. I’ll sketch it below.

But first, to build some intuition for this subject, it’s time to look at a field extension that’s not separable!

Inseparable field extensions

Let’s find a field extension that’s not separable, and work out its Kähler differentials. How can we do this? How can we find a field extension containing an element whose minimal polynomial has derivative zero?

Here we are computing derivatives of polynomials ‘formally’, defining

ddx i=0 na ix i= i=1 nia ix i1 \frac{d}{d x} \sum_{i = 0}^n a_i x^i = \sum_{i = 1}^n i a_i x^{i-1}

The derivative of a constant polynomial is zero — but a constant polynomial can’t be the minimal polynomial of anything. So how can a nonconstant polynomial have derivative zero?

This can only happen if the coefficients a ia_i with i>0i \gt 0 don’t all vanish, yet still ia ii a_i vanishes for all i>0i \gt 0. This can never happen if our field has characteristic zero! In characteristic pp, it happens when a ia_i is nonzero only for ii that are multiples of pp.

So, a field of characteristic zero can’t have inseparable extensions. And we only get them in characteristic pp when we have an element whose minimal polynomial is of the form

P(x)= i=0 na ix pi P(x) = \sum_{i = 0}^n a_i x^{p i}

We could also write this as

P(x)= i=0 na i(x p) i P(x) = \sum_{i = 0}^n a_i \left(x^p\right)^i

And that’s suggestive, because in characteristic pp the function x px^p is not only multiplicative:

(ab) p=a pb p (a b)^p = a^p b^p

It’s also linear:

(a+b) p=a p+b p (a + b)^p = a^p + b^p

using the binomial theorem. This weird fact makes algebra in characteristic pp really different than in characteristic zero. So this map xx px \mapsto x^p gets an impressive name: the Frobenius endomorphism. For a field of characteristic pp this map clearly has kernel zero, so it’s one-to-one. Thus, for a finite field of characteristic pp the Frobenius endomorphism is a bijection.

This implies that we can’t have an inseparable extension of a finite field. Why not? Well, suppose our extension has an element whose minimal polynomial PP has P=0P' = 0. In characteristic pp we’ve seen this means

P(x)= i=0 na ix pi P(x) = \sum_{i = 0}^n a_i x^{p i }

But for a finite field we can write a i=b i pa_i = b_i^p since the Frobenius endomorphism is a bijection! So

P(x)= i=0 n(b ix i) p=( i=0 nb ix i) p P(x) = \sum_{i = 0}^n \left(b_i x^i\right)^p = \left( \sum_{i=0}^n b_i x^i \right)^p

In the second step I used the insane fact that the Frobenius endomorphism is linear. But this means PP factors into linear terms, so it can’t have been minimal unless it already were linear, which is also impossible.

We’ve just seen some stuff worth recording:

Theorem 21. Every extension of a field of characteristic zero, or a finite field, is separable.

Since we’re in search of inseparable extensions, this just says where not to look. But that’s still very helpful.

The simplest infinite field of characteristic pp is

k=𝔽 p(x)k = \mathbb{F}_p(x)

the field of rational functions in xx with coefficients in 𝔽 p\mathbb{F}_p. Let’s try to get an inseparable extension of this!

We need a nonzero polynomial whose derivative vanishes. So use the simplest one:

P(x)=x p P(x) = x^p

Then we need a field extension with an element whose minimal polynomial is PP. So use the simplest one:

K=k[u]/u px K = k[u]/\langle u^p - x \rangle

That is, we take kk and throw in a new element uu whose ppth power is xx. This does the job!

What are the Kähler differentials Ω 1(K)\Omega^1(K) like, thinking of KK as an algebra over kk? Since dd of everything in kk is automatically zero — these act like ‘constants’ — we mainly need to think about dud u. The relation

u p=x u^p = x


pu p1du=dx=0 p u^{p-1} d u = d x = 0

since xkx \in k. If we weren’t in characteristic pp, this would force du=0d u = 0, as in the proof of Theorem 18. But since we’re in characteristic pp this equation is vacuous. So dud u obeys no nontrivial relations. Thus Ω 1(K)\Omega^1(K) is the free KK-module on one generator, namely dud u.

Notice: I didn’t prove the last two sentences, but that’s indeed how it works!

Kähler differentials for inseparable field extensions

Now I want to sketch the proof of this:

Theorem 20. Suppose the field KK is a finite extension of the field kk. If KK is a separable algebra over kk then KK is a separable extension of kk.

This is basically Lemma 1.13(c) in Section 6.1.1 of this book:

  • Qing Liu, Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves, Oxford U. Press, Oxford, 2002.

But let’s see how it goes.

Proof. We’ll prove the contrapositive. We’ll assume KK is a finite inseparable extension of kk, and show KK is not a separable algebra over kk. To do this it’s enough to show Ω 1(K)0\Omega^1(K) \ncong 0, since in Theorem 14 we saw that a finite-dimensional commutative algebra AA over kk is separable iff Ω 1(A)0\Omega^1(A) \cong 0.

The simplest case is when KK is gotten from kk by freely throwing in a single inseparable element uu — that is, one whose minimal polynomial has P=0P' = 0. Then, as in the example we just looked at, du0d u \ne 0. So Ω 1(K)0\Omega^1(K) \ncong 0 in this case.

The only other possibility is that KK is bigger. In this case it turns out we can always get KK from some field FF extending kk by throwing in one more inseparable element. So, we have inclusions

kFK k \hookrightarrow F \hookrightarrow K

Now we have various kinds of Kähler differentials to think about, so we need better notation:

  • We have the Kähler differentials of KK as an algebra over kk, which we’ll call Ω k 1(K)\Omega^1_k(K).

  • We have the Kähler differentials of KK as an algebra over FF, which we’ll call Ω F 1(K)\Omega^1_F(K).

We’re trying to show Ω k 1(K)0\Omega^1_k(K) \ncong 0. Since KK is gotten from FF by throwing in a single inseparable element we have Ω F 1(K)0\Omega^1_F(K) \ncong 0. So, we’d be done if we could find a surjection Ω k 1(K)Ω F 1(K)\Omega^1_k(K) \to \Omega^1_F(K).

Luckily, this is easy to get. For any commutative algebra AA over any commutative ring RR, Ω R 1(A)\Omega^1_R(A) is the abelian group with generators dad a for aAa \in A and relations

d(a+b)=da+db,d(αa)=αda d(a + b) = d a + d b , \qquad d(\alpha a) = \alpha d a d(ab)=adb+bda,d1=0 d(a b) = a \, d b + b \, d a , \qquad d 1 = 0

for a,bAa, b \in A and αR\alpha \in R. So, in our situation Ω F 1(K)\Omega^1_F(K) has the same generators as Ω k 1(K)\Omega^1_k(K) but more relations, namely those of the form d(αa)=αdad(\alpha a) = \alpha d a. This gives our surjection Ω k 1(K)Ω F 1(K)\Omega^1_k(K) \to \Omega^1_F(K), as desired.    █

In fact, for any homomorphisms of commutative rings

kFK k \to F \to K

there is an exact sequence

Ω k 1(F) FKΩ k 1(K)Ω F 1(K)0 \Omega^1_k(F) \otimes_F K \to \Omega^1_k(K) \to \Omega^1_F(K) \to 0

so Ω k 1(K)\Omega^1_k(K) maps surjectively onto Ω F 1(K)\Omega^1_F(K). I won’t explain this exact sequence here, but you can find it in many treatments of Kähler differentials. In Qing Liu’s book it’s Proposition 1.8 of Section 6.1.1. In the Stacks Project it’s Lemma 10.131.7. In Matsumura’s Commutative Algebra it’s Theorem 57. In my favorite book on separable algebras:

  • Timothy J. Ford, Separable Algebras, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 2017.

it’s called the First Fundamental Exact Sequence, and it’s constructed in Theorem 8.3.3. So, everyone who knows their Kähler differentials knows and loves this exact sequence!

Posted at September 1, 2023 12:41 PM UTC

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7 Comments & 0 Trackbacks

Re: Grothendieck–Galois–Brauer Theory (Part 4)

I think that u^p-1 should be u^p-x.

Posted by: Allen Knutson on September 2, 2023 2:51 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Grothendieck–Galois–Brauer Theory (Part 4)

Whoops! Fixed.

Posted by: John Baez on September 3, 2023 12:32 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Grothendieck–Galois–Brauer Theory (Part 4)

I’d really like to solve the puzzle and prove that an inseparable extension KK of a field kk is not a separable algebra over kk by proving Ω 1(K)0\Omega^1(K) \ncong 0.

I know (for other reasons) that if KK is inseparable, there is some element uKu \in K with du0d u \ne 0. And I know from Theorem 18 that any separable element uKu \in K has du=0d u = 0. So I know that if KK is inseparable, it contains some inseparable element uu — that is, one whose minimal polynomial PP has P=0P' = 0 — with du0d u \ne 0.

But I don’t know how to prove this using just Kähler differentials. That’s the challenge.

This result would follow if every inseparable element uKu \in K has du0d u \ne 0. But I don’t know if that’s true. How could I show it?

I’ve read an inseparable element of KK is the same as one whose minimal polynomial PP has repeated roots in the algebraic closure k¯\overline{k}. But I don’t see how that helps here.

Polya said: if you can’t see how to prove something, there must be something simpler you don’t know how to prove. Try to prove that!

Okay, so let’s try an example. Suppose we’re in characteristic 2 and uKu \in K has some quadratic minimal polynomial PP. Can I show du0d u \ne 0?

Since PP is monic, we can assume

P(x)=x 2+bx+c P(x) = x^2 + b x + c

for some b,ckb,c \in k. Since P=0P' = 0 we must have b=0b = 0, and indeed any polynomial

P(x)=x 2+c P(x) = x^2 + c

has P=0P' = 0, so this is what PP looks like.

Supposedly PP must have repeated roots in k¯\overline{k}, so (thanks to the magic of characteristic 2) in k¯\overline{k} we can factor it as

P(x)=(x+q)(x+q) P(x) = (x + q)(x + q)

where qk¯q \in \overline{k} has

q 2=c q^2 = c

We’ve got P(u)=0P(u) = 0 so (thanks to the magic of characteristic 2) we have

u 2=c u^2 = c

so u=±qu = \pm q, so actually (thanks to the magic of characteristic 2)

u=q u = q

But how does any of this help me show du0d u \ne 0?

I think it’s enough to show du0d u \ne 0 in k¯\overline{k} since going up to this bigger field induces an injection Ω 1(K)Ω 1(k¯)\Omega^1(K) \to \Omega^1(\overline{k}) — I think I read this somewhere.

But I don’t see how that helps. I’ll stop here for now and think some more.

Posted by: John Baez on September 3, 2023 1:51 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Grothendieck–Galois–Brauer Theory (Part 4)

I think I was getting lost in elementary algebraic manipulations and forgetting an idea from geometry: if you’ve got a polynomial PP with a ‘doubled root’, like P(x)=(xq) 2P(x) = (x - q)^2, then P(x)=0P(x) = 0 defines a scheme with a double point, which is like an first-order infinitesimal arrow — so it has not just a point but also a nonvanishing tangent vector. It should thus have nonzero Kähler differential!

And I think the way to prove this is to use the universal property of Kähler differentials. This implies that if you can find any nonzero derivation on a commutative ring, it must have nonzero Kähler differentials.

So I just need to dream up some nonzero derivation on the inseparable extension KK I was playing around with above. And this should be something like ‘differentiation in the direction of the infinitesimal arrow corresponding to the double point’.

Unfortunately I don’t see how to define this derivation on all of KK, since I don’t know much about it.

So in my example above, maybe I should instead take a field FF which is just an inseparable extension of kk by some element uu, like

F=k[u]/u 2+c F = k[u]/\langle u^2 + c \rangle

where cc is as above. Then maybe I can show this has Ω 1(F)0\Omega^1(F) \ncong 0. Indeed I pretended to show something very similar near the end of my blog post! — though I skipped some important details.

Then, if we have an even larger inseparable extension of kk containing FF — call it KK — we can try to show Ω 1(F)Ω 1(K)\Omega^1(F) \to \Omega^1(K) is an injection (as I seem to have read somewhere) so Ω 1(K)0\Omega^1(K) \ncong 0.

This is looking good.

Posted by: John Baez on September 3, 2023 2:08 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Grothendieck–Galois–Brauer Theory (Part 4)

This is looking good.

Well, not quite — I don’t think there’s an injection here, but something vaguely similar works. I got stuck, but I found the right argument in Qing Liu’s book Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves. And I’ve added it to my blog article, at the end.

Posted by: John Baez on September 3, 2023 6:21 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

another approach to the puzzle

Here’s how I was thinking about the puzzle. I’m not sure if it counts as “just using Kahler differentials”?

  1. It suffices (exercise!) to prove that the k¯\bar k-algebra B=K kk¯B = K\otimes_k \overline k is reduced.

  2. The formation of Kahler differentials commutes with base change. (See Wiki page for the formal statement of what this means. I believe this is straightforward to prove from the universal property.) So we have Ω B/k¯=0\Omega_{B / \overline k} = 0.

  3. BB is a finite dimensional k¯\bar k-algebra, so an easy exercise shows it’s a (finite) direct product (in the category of k¯\overline k-algebras) of k¯\overline k-finite-dimensional local (= having a unique maximal ideal) k¯\overline k-algebras AA with Ω A/k¯=0\Omega_{A/\overline k} = 0. It suffices (easy exercise) to show that each AA is reduced. Now I’ll rename k¯\overline k to kk and assume it algebraically closed.

  4. Let mm be the maximal ideal of AA. We have A=(A/m)mA = (A/ m)\oplus m as kk-vector spaces. Since A/mA/ m is a field extension of kk that is finite dimensional as a kk-vector space, it must be kk since kk is algebraically closed. That is, the image of kk in AA is a kk-linear direct complement for mm. We can therefore define a kk-linear map d:Am/m 2d:A\to m/ m^2 by extending the natural projection mm/m 2m \to m/ m^2 by zero on kk. It’s easy to see that dd is a derivation. (Proof of Liebniz: for constants c 1,c 2kAc_1, c_2 \in k\subset A and nonunits m 1,m 2mm_1, m_2\in m, we have (c 1+m 1)(c 2+m 2)=(const)+(c 1m 2+c 2m 1)(c_1 + m_1)(c_2 + m_2)= (const) + (c_1 m_2 + c_2 m_1) mod m 2m^2.)

  5. By assumption Ω A/k=0\Omega_{A/k}=0, so the derivation d:Am/m 2d:A\to m/m^2 is the zero map. In particular, the projection mm/m 2m\to m/ m^2 is the zero map. This implies m=0 m=0 so A=kA=k is reduced.

Posted by: sam on September 3, 2023 7:32 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: another approach to the puzzle

Thanks! I feel bad having yanked the Puzzle out from under you and anyone else who was trying it.

For those who never saw it, it was to prove this using just Kähler differentials: if a finite extension of a field kk is a separable algebra over kk, then it’s a separable extension of kk. I got so frustrated with this puzzle that I started trying to solved it myself in the comments, then ‘cheated’ and took a proof in a book and added it to at the end of my blog article!

After Sam wrote his comment I simplified the proof in my article some more. In the end I was pretty happy, but I still want to think about his approach… and any other ideas that people have.

Posted by: John Baez on September 3, 2023 11:23 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

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