Thanks to the machinations of Tom DeLay and the Texas Republicans, Austin is now the largest city in the nation without its own seat in the House of Representatives. Travis County was chopped up and parceled out between three Districts:
- District 21, which extends to San Antonio.
- District 10, which reaches the suburbs of Houston.
- District 25, which snakes hundreds of miles south to the Mexican border.

Our former Congressman Lloyd Doggett is running in District 25. We ended up in District 10, a challenge viewed so hopeless, that the Democrats did not even field a candidate in the Primary. That’s right, here in our part of the City of Austin, there’s no Democrat on the ballot, come November.

My colleague at UT, Mathematics Professor Lorenzo Sadun was sufficiently disgusted that he decided to run as a write-in candidate.
Sign the ballot petition (if you’re registered to vote in the 10th District), give him money or just wish him luck … He’ll need it.
Posted by distler at May 1, 2004 3:44 AM
Re: Write-In
Isn’t that whole thing a mess? It really makes me sad because aside from the truly dirty state politics I really love TX.