I’m Baaaack
Sorry for the three-week hiatus; I’d decided to foreswear blogging while working on my latest paper. As a fat and lazy tenured faculty member, I can afford (and usually manage) to procrastinate about such things. But, in deference to my collaborator, a hungry postdoc without such luxuries, I decided to focus.
Well, mostly…
There were the usual distractions associated to travelling, giving talks,
Lecturing at Smithpoint Beach, Fire Island, NY
and the occasional snow-covered peak.
Town of Banff, Alberta, from Sulphur Mountain
And I did rewrite my ecto text-filter plugins (providing itex2MML support for my favourite blogging client) for the new version (now in beta).
Your regularly-scheduled, drearily technical, programming will resume shortly.
Re: I’m Baaaack
I guess the paper isn’t live yet. The link is pasword protected.