I really like the science fiction TV series The Expanse. In addition to a good plot and a convincing vision of human society two centuries hence, it depicts, as Phil Plait observes, a lot of good science in a matter-of-fact, almost off-hand fashion. But one scene (really, just a few dialogue-free seconds in a longer scene) has been bothering me. In it, Miller, the hard-boiled detective living on Ceres, pours himself a drink. And we see — as the whiskey slowly pours from the bottle into the glass — that the artificial gravity at the lower levels (where the poor people live) is significantly weaker than near the surface (where the rich live) and that there’s a significant Coriolis effect. Unfortunately, the effect depicted is 3 orders-of-magnitude too big.

To explain, six million residents inhabit the interior of the asteroid, which has been spun up to provide an artificial gravity. Ceres has a radius, m and a surface gravity . The rotational period is supposed to be 40 minutes (). Near the surface, this yields g. On the innermost level, , and the effective artificial gravity is only 0.1 g.

So how big is the Coriolis effect in this scenario?
The equations1 to be solved are
with initial conditions . The exact solution solution is elementary, but for , i.e. for times much shorter than the rotational period, we can approximate
From (2), if the whiskey falls a distance , it undergoes a lateral displacement
For cm and , this is which is 3 orders of magnitude smaller than depicted in the screenshot above2.
So, while I love the idea of the Coriolis effect appearing — however tangentially — in a TV drama, this really wasn’t the place for it.
1 Here, I’m approximating Ceres to be a sphere of uniform density. That’s not really correct, but since the contribution of Ceres’ intrinsic gravity to (3) is only a 5% effect, the corrections from non-uniform density are negligible.
2 We could complain about other things: like that the slope should be monotonic (very much unlike what’s depicted). But that seems a minor quibble, compared to the effect being a thousand times too large.
Re: Coriolis
I read the books, and I don’t think they make that blunder in them, or at least I didn’t remember spotting it. Actually, I wonder what the biological effects of having a very large Coriolis force would be. If they were large as shown, I doubt the inner ear would be readily able to reach an equilibrium, especially if it was used to a certain levels effects. So transferring between layers would be a messy affair.