Dijkgraaf-Witten and its Categorification by Martins and Porter
Posted by Urs Schreiber
I was looking at
J. F. Martins and T. Porter
On Yetter’s invariants and an extension of the
Dijkgraaf-Witten invariant to categorical groups
which João Martins pointed me to in a comment to the entry BF-Theory as a higher gauge theory. (John discussed this paper here a while back).
On the train back home, this inspired me to write the following notes, which happen to be mostly about ordinary Dijkgraaf-Witten theory, but try to put the general context into perspective.
[Update: Typed notes on this topic are now here: On -models and nonabelian differential cohomology]
The authors categorify Dijkgraaf-Witten theory, which is a sigma-model theory with target space a one-object groupoid, to a sigma-model theory with target space a strict one-object 2-groupoid.
Before talking about what these authors do, I recall and extend what we have said here before about the -categorical sigma-model formulation of Dijkgraaf-Witten theory – which is not something these authors consider, but something I enjoy translating everything into, because, in particular, it explains the curious “triangulation weights” that appear in this context.
Recall (for instance from Canonical measures on configuration spaces) Dijkgraaf-Witten theory is the sigma-model type quantum field theory whose
-parameter spaces are of the form
for some 3-manifold with chosen triangulation and the groupoid generated from the edges of the triangulation modulo the faces (hence a finite versoin of the fundamental 1-groupoid of );
- target space is the groupoid whose geometric realization yields the classifying space of some finite group ;
- background field is a parallel transport pseudofunctor
where is the strict 3-groupoid with whose space of 3-morphisms is , which is entirely determined by its associator, which in turn encodes precisely a group 3-cocycle on ;- configuration space is the internal hom
wich is the groupoid whose objects are flat -connections on and whose morphisms are gauge transformations of these.Therefore the action of this theory is the trangression of the background field to the configuration space
where means that we form the set of equivalence classes of objects.This is the first point where something interesting happens. Let’s figure out what is.
Objects of are pseudofunctors from to (weak 3-functors if you wish, with regarded as a 3-category). The only nontrivial aspect of these pseudofunctors are their associators and hence, I think, they are in bijection with colorings of the tetrahedra in by elements in . Moreover, the morphisms between such pseudofunctors are in bijection with colorings of triangles in with elements in , where from a coloring of tetrahedra and and one of triangles we get to a new coloring of tetrahedra by multiplying each tetrahedron label by the labels on its faces, with orientations taken care of suitably.
What labels equivalence classes of objects in ? If two objects are connected by a morphism, then their “integrated -label”
is the same.The converse does not quite hold in general, unless is sufficiently nice, I think. But if is the 3-sphere, we can essentially model it by
and then we’d haveSo let me assume that is the 3-sphere from now on. Then we have found that the action of Dijkgraaf-Witten theory, which was the transgression of the background field on target space to configuration space, is the map
which sends each flat -connection on to the numberThis action we want to integrate over all of configuration space. To do so we should regard it as a functor on configuration space and somehow for its colimit over all of configuration space. The best current idea we have for what that actually means is:
we sum the action over all objects of configuration space and weigh each contribution by the Leinster measure
of configuration space, which here amounts just to weighing it by the groupoid cardinalityWe get one morphism starting at any flat -connection on for every choice of element in per vertex of . If there are many vertices, this means that
So, finally, the partition function of Dijkgraaf-Witten theory for given parameter space , which we want to think of as
Unfortunately, despite lots of thinking and conjecturing and toy-example-checking here on the -Café it is still not quite clear how the morally right way to think of a colimit here makes strictly sense as a colimit, and so for the time being we have to invoke by hand the rule that “path integral means sum of transgressed background field weighted by the Leinster measure”. But still, it’s pretty cool.
(I should add that the picture which I am drawing here has been painted a lot by Simon Willerton and Bruce Bartlett, based on old work by Quillen. What I am adding are some, I think, refinements concerning aspects like the background field, parallel transport and transgression.)
Okay, that sets the stage. This is Dijkgraaf-Witten theory. One shows that this is a homotopy invariant of 3-manifolds (and hence in particular independent of the chosen triangulation). In order for this to be true, the precise nature of the Leinster measure
is crucial.Now we want to know: what happens to this setup if target space is not necessarily a (finite) 1-group
but an arbitrary strict (finite) 2-group where comes from the crossed moduleThis is best approached in two steps:
- first using just the trivial background field, concentrating on what happens to the path integral domain and Leinster measure;
- then introducing also nontrivial background fields.
The first step was done by D. Yetter in his TQFTs from homotopy 2-types. There he finds what we’d call the “Leinster 2-measure” for the path integral, namely the combinatorial weight that depends on the chosen triangulation, by fixing some weighting, and then demonstrating that it yields a partition function which is a homotopy invariant.
Martins and Porter then also include a nontrivial background field in this context.
They also generalize the proof that the partition function is a homotopy invariant to higher dimensional parameter spaces. For and trivial background field, this is also done by Girelli-Pfeiffer-Popescu.
Re: Dijkgraaf-Witten and its Categorification by Martins and Porter
Proposition. The combinatorial weighting for the “categorified DW” theory introduced by Yetter (and studied by Girelli, Pfeiffer, Popescu, Porter, Martins etc.) is indeed the Leinster measure of the corresponding configuration space.
Recall that for ordinary DW theory for finite group config space is the groupoid
and that since there are many ways to assign group element to the vertices of , there are many natural transformations starting at any functor and therefore the Leinster measure of the hom-groupoid isNow, Yetter et al find that when target space is replaced by
for the finite strict 2-group coming from the strict crossed module then the corresponding combinatorial weight becomes where is the number of vertices, as before, and where is the number of edges in .(See for instance theorem 2.13 on p. 127 of Martins-Porter’s On Yetter’s invariants or the discussion below theorem III.2 on p. 6 of Girelli-Pfeiffer-Popescu’s BF to BFCG (while the factor is not manifest in their expression (15))).
I am claiming that this factor is precisely the Leinster measure on the configuration space
Here I am taking, to replace awkward pseudofunctors with nicer strict 2-functors, now to be the strict 2-groupoid generated from the triangles in (which is a manifold with chosen triangulation, recall).
Then the above hom-groupoid is supposed to be the 1-groupoid obtained by passing to equivalence classes of 1-morphisms in the 2-groupoid whose objects are strict 2-functors , whose morphisms are pseudonatural transformations of these, and whose 2-morphisms are modifications of those.
To prove this, we need to compute how many 1-morphisms in there start at any given object.
But that’s easy: a 1-morphism
in the 2-groupoid of strict 2-functors is a transformation whose component is an assignment of squares in to edges in :By the general Yoga of strict 2-groups, we know that the square on the right is entirely and precisely fixed by
- the source 2-functor value on the top;
- the two transformation elements on the two sides;
- and the label of the 2-morphism filling the square.
This uniquely determines the value of the pseudofunctor which is the target of the transformation whose component is.
Therefore, clearly, there are precisely
many 1-morphisms in
starting at any given object.
But some of them are related by 2-morphisms
To figure out many, we need to compute how many modifications there are starting at any transformation .
But again the same logic applies: such a transformations is given by a component map which sends vertices in to 2-cells in :
for .Again one sees, by drawing the relevant naturality tin-can diagram which I won’t bother to do here in MathML, that for each such choice of assignments of elements in to vertices in there is precisely one modification .
This means that we have
- 1-morphisms emanating at each object
- 2-morphisms emanating at every morphism.
The Leinster measure in this situation is
precisely the combinatorial factor which people found makes the Yetter state sum model a topological invariant.[Update: A more detailed discussion of this is now in On -models and nonabelian differential cohomology.]